Home » The oh so Climacteric Period! Have You Crossed It?
Older woman going through climacteric period having fun at beach

The oh so Climacteric Period! Have You Crossed It?

In a symbolic sense, the climacteric period in a woman’s life might be compared to the journey of a daffodil blossom, which captures the ebb and flow of the seasons of life.

Have you ever seen a daffodil in full bloom? It’s a sight to see! As winter fades and spring approaches, these wonderful flowers start blooming all over the place. Don’t you think they give you a sense of newness and hope?

daffodil blooms are like the climacteric period of a woman

You may be wondering why I’m bringing up the daffodil bloom. I’m using it as an analogy to convey something. A woman’s ovaries, like daffodils, have their own blooming period. The ovaries are like daffodils in full bloom during her regular monthly periods. They work hard to produce the sex hormone estrogen, and may release anywhere from 70 to 500 micrograms of estradiol per day. Isn’t that rather impressive?

However, when winter comes and the cold weather sets in, things begin to change. The daffodils begin to fade, and similarly, a woman’s ovaries go through a phase known as the “climacteric” stage. It’s like their own version of winter. The ovaries produce less estrogen during this period than they do during the entire blooming period.

Where does the Climacteric Journey Begin and Where Does it End?

So, Climacteric is like a gigantic rollercoaster ride of life. The fall in ovarian activity is the beginning of Climacteric, and the ovaries’ retirement from their role as reproductive organs is the grand finale. Yet, it doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a three-stage process: peri-menopause, menopause, and post-menopause.

Imagine peri-menopause as the prelude to the main show, when things start to shift but you’re not entirely clear what’s going on. It’s like a movie’s opening scene, setting up the mood for what’s to come.

Then there’s menopause, the main show. The ovaries bid their final goodbye and stop producing eggs during this time. It’s at this point the lead player enters the scene, bringing along a slew of hot flashes, mood swings, and sleeplessness.

woman unable to sleep and waking up at night due to menopause symptoms

Finally, there’s post-menopause, the end of the show. It resembles the celebration following the climacteric stage. The ovaries have retired, and it’s time for you to find your new normal. It’s like when the credits roll at the end of a movie, marking the end of one chapter and the launch of another.

So as you can see, climacteric is a journey, much like a heart-pounding rollercoaster or a grand movie trilogy. It has its ups and downs, twists and turns, but it’s all part of life’s experience. Don’t you agree? Below we’ve covered a few of the downs of the climacteric journey. Just to let you know what’s coming. Of course, it’s up to you to try to pick out the positives and make your travel enjoyable. Buckle up and have a good time!

How’s your brain doing? Any memory mishaps or attention adventures lately?


Have you ever gone shopping and tried to recall everything on your list but it felt like your brain was playing hide-and-seek with the items? As if your memory was on a forced vacation! How many times have you left the super market wondering if you bought everything on your list. Does this sound familiar? Well, It’s one of the tricks the climacteric plays on your brain.

And let’s not forget about focus. Have you ever attempted to concentrate on a book or a task only to be distracted by odd ideas or noises? It’s as if your brain has its own mind, playing DJ with distractions. Just how annoying is that? Once again, the climacteric period is the one responsible for it.

Now picture yourself working on a problem or answering a question when all of a sudden it seems like your brain is working in slow motion. It feels like your brain is sluggishly processing everything while everyone else moves quickly. Alas, has patience become your new best friend?

And don’t you just hate it when you’re trying to remember someone’s name or an exact word while having a conversation? Isn’t it akin to a word treasure hunt, except without the treasure at the end?

These cognitive quirks during the menopausal transition can definitely make everyday life a bit more interesting, don’t you think? Just remember, not everyone experiences them, and they can vary in intensity. But, if these changes start affecting your daily functioning or happiness, it’s worth chatting with a medical professional to explore potential solutions.

Did you know that even the saliva in your mouth can be affected?

Well, it’s true! A study found that climacteric women have a lesser amount of saliva produced, and even lesser salivary pH when compared to menstruating women. A lower pH can trigger acidity in the mouth, whereas a drop in the amount of saliva can make your mouth dry. Here’s an interesting fact: hormone replacement treatment (HRT) may actually boost saliva secretion.

elder woman chewing gum and making bubble

Did you know that chewing on spearmint or cinnamon-flavored gum can be a fun way to raise the pH of your saliva? On the other hand, if you’re looking for an alternative to combat dry mouth, chewing on strawberry or apple-flavored gums can literally flood your mouth with saliva.

Facing Reduced Sexual Interest and Orgasm Difficulties?


The American Psychiatric Association classifies climacteric period sex disorders into three categories: arousal, orgasmic, and genital pain, plus penetration issues. A lot of foreplay and clitoral stimulation before sex is one of the most natural ways to lubricate the vagina. You might also experiment with over-the-counter vaginal lubricants such as Astroglide, Jo, or Sliquid, as well as moisturisers such as K-Y Liquibeads or Replens, followed by topical estrogen formulations.

However, you should be aware that using oil-based lubricants may raise your risk of vaginal yeast infection. Check to see if the oil-based lubricant is free of coconut oil if you have a tree nut or coconut allergy. The selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) is an alternative if you cannot tolerate local estrogen.

Promising Treatments for a Better Sexual Experience.

One typical systemic SERM is ospemifene, which wields estrogen-like actions on vaginal tissues and is used to treat vaginal dryness, discomfort during intercourse, and urinary issues. It selectively targets estrogen receptors, providing estrogenic effects only in some tissues. However, it does not have the same effects on other estrogen-sensitive tissues in the body, thereby reducing the dangers associated with estrogen therapy. .

Ultra-low-dose vaginal estradiol tablets and intravaginal dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) are two other promising treatments for vaginal dryness, itching, irritation, poor lubrication, painful sex, and vaginal bleeding during sex. It is important to discuss the use of all of the above treatments with your healthcare professional, who can offer individualized guidance based on your unique needs and medical history.

4 organic alternatives to hormone therapy:

Aim for a healthy weight; quit smoking; take up regular physical activity; and practice relaxing techniques.

Though it may have its ups and downs, keep in mind that the climacteric is a normal stage of life. You have the ability and fortitude to go through it and lead happy, meaningful lives.




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