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You Are How You Poop! says science!

Did you know that a large percentage of adults globally have constipation? The estimated average prevalence is around 16%. Straining on the loo can be uncomfortable and have an effect on how you feel. Here are six handy tips to get rid of constipation and stay chipper all through your day.
girls sit on western commode constipation

The stinking smell that accompanies your poop can often make you hold your breath or even evoke a feeling of nausea. Although it may be unpleasant, examining your poop can provide valuable insights into your habits and overall health. If you are someone who consciously avoids looking at your poop before flushing, it’s time to develop that habit starting today.

You need to understand the different consistencies of your poop, as they can tell you a lot about what you eat and how long you sleep. Before we dive deeper into this topic, let’s visualize a healthy poop in 3D. If your poop has small cracks and is shaped like a sausage or appears smooth and soft like a snake, it indicates that your eating habits were good the day before.

A hard, pellet-like poop suggests severe constipation, according to the Bristol Stool Chart!

Straining to poop? Do you feel as though your evacuation was not complete? Then you’re a person who sits on their ass for the better part of the day. You don’t have the habit of drinking water often, nor do you go to the loo regularly. You overeat processed foods, don’t get enough sleep, and are stressed on top of all that.

Do you have hard and lumpy poop? Are you resorting to digital manipulation to assist with evacuation? It’s a sign that food is moving through your bowels too slowly. Since it moves at snails pace, the bowel will re-absorb water from the half-digested food, and in the end, you’ll have to strain hard to push the poop through the exit.

Here are 6 proven ways to poop without straining:

1. Replace White bread with Sourdough Pumpernickel Rye bread!

pumpernickel rye bread loaves on a wooden plate

When compared to white wheat bread, Pumpernickel rye bread softens your poop and almost doubles the volume of poop each week. With its high fiber content, it makes your bowel movements efficient and creates a feeling of fullness, and controls overeating. Pumpernickel rye bread has a greater effect on accelerating the passage of food through the intestines than laxatives. When you’re constipated, instead of taking laxatives, add pumpernickel rye bread to your diet.

2. For breakfast, have fermented hulled barley porridge!

hulled barley porridge in a white bowl with herb on top

To expedite the cooking process, soak the grains for 1 to 3 days. Replace the bubbling water after the very first day or the 2nd day. Blend the grains for 5 seconds, add some water, and place it on the stove a medium heat. Cook for 5 – 10 minutes, or until the barley is mushy and creamy. Use salt and pepper to season. Serve with your preferred toppings.

3. Venture beyond the cereal box and try a bowl of Bulgur cereal!

When you cook bulgur, you’ll experience a nutty flavor, a chewy texture, and a fragrance reminiscent of popcorn. It typically has a longer shelf life and is well-suited for quick cooking. It is commonly available in the market as parboiled bulgur. To cook it, you can follow the “123 methods.” Add 1 cup of fiber-rich bulgur wheat to a bowl and pour 2 cups of water. Microwave it for approximately 3 minutes. Then, remove it from the microwave and set it aside for another 5 minutes

But there’s a catch! If you’re looking for a gluten-free option, avoid bulgur. If you have “baker’s asthma,” you might feel trouble breathing, after eating bulgur cereal.

4. Make a cup of high-fiber black bean-lentil soup for lunch!

lentil soup in a white bowl with herbs on top

A few examples of insoluble fiber that doesn’t dissolve in water include split peas, black beans, pinto beans, spinach, brown rice, and oat bran. They are unbroken, undigested, and capable of entrapping water to enhance the mass. When the insoluble fiber gets fermented, gases like hydrogen, methane, and carbon dioxide are released, straining the colon’s muscles to make way for the bulky poop.

5. Drink magnesium sulfate-rich natural mineral waters and Hépar.

Studies show that drinking mineral water might increase the amount of water in the intestines, making the poop softer and larger. Most of the women who took 1 L of Hépar and 1 L/day of sulfate-rich mineral water daily had fewer lumpy or hard stools in the group of women with functional constipation.

6. Take a belly breath and unwind your pelvic floor!

A study claims that those who regularly exercise poop more swiftly and easily than those who are sedentary. The reason for this is that the longer your poop is in the colon, the more its liquids get absorbed by the colon, making the digestion process very slow. As a result, the stool will gradually dry out, harden, and become harder to push out as more liquid is drawn out of it. Exercise can speed up bowel movement, which may lead to greater fluid content in the stool and a softer consistency that is easier to pass.

Here are 8 twists and bends from the Myfat diet that you can do for 10-15 minutes daily, for a sausage-shaped, smooth poop:

Remember to pay attention to your body and any sensations you may feel as you perform these stretches. Never ignore your body’s signals to halt if you experience any pain or discomfort. These motions, along with relaxed breathing and pelvic floor relaxation, can create a conducive environment for smooth bowel movements.

T Shoulder Stretch

Women lifting two hand up to the shoulder

Keep your arms at shoulder level. Inhale and stay in the midline, facing forward. Exhale and reach out your upper body to the extreme right side. Inhale and come to the midline. Exhale and extend your left arm extremely to the left side. Inhale and face forward. Every time you reach out to the sides, involve your core and maintain a soft micro-bend in both knees. Repeat for 10 full breaths.

Warrior Flow Recharge

women doing exercise

Begin in Warrior II pose. Press into your feet and keep your legs strong. Hold for one full inhale and as you exhale, bend forward with fingers interlocked, pointing to the floor. Inhale and repeat Warrior II on the other side. Exhale and do a full forward fold. Repeat for 10 full breaths.

Overhead Side Bend

woman doing exercise

Inhale, and hold both arms at waist level, away from your body. Exhale and slowly sway to your right, fingers interlocked, abs pulled in toward your spine. Inhale and return to standing upright. Exhale and sway to the left side. Take a breath in and center yourself. Repeat for 10 full breaths.

Obliques Stretch

woman doing exercise

Inhale, and hold both arms at waist level, away from your body. As you exhale, take your right arm up close to your ear, while with the left fingertips reach out toward your right knee. Inhale and center yourself. Exhale and repeat on the other side. Repeat for 10 full breaths.

Butterfly Stretch

women doing exercise

Sit with your heel in front of your butt. Inhale and open your chest and your shoulders. As you exhale, bend forward from your waist, toward your toes. make sure to keep your head, neck, and spine aligned. Repeat for 10 full breaths, keeping your awareness on your anal orifice.

Standing Trunk Twists

women doing exercise

Stand in mid-line, with both palms on your waist. Then take a deep breath in. As you exhale, twist from your core, and with your right fingertips touch your left thigh and then extend it toward the left side at shoulder level. At the same time, encircle your left palm around your right waist. Inhale and face forward. Repeat on the other side. Continue for 10 full breaths.

Bow Pose

women doing exercise

Lie on your stomach and bend both knees. Exhale and reach for your ankles, gripping your toes tightly. Slowly inhale while arching your back and lifting your shoulders, chest, and thighs off the floor. Maintain your knees no wider than hip-width apart. Repeat for 5 full breaths and then extend your knees and relax.

Pigeon with a Twist (Right)

women doing exercise

Bring your right knee forward. Instead of resting in an outward rotation, the stretched-backward left leg ought to be in a neutral posture. As you breathe out, raise your right arm in front and your left arm behind you. Take a deep breath in and move your body towards the midline. Spend 5 full breaths while twisting.

Pigeon with a Twist (Left)

women doing exercise

This is the ultimate hip-opener. If your left glute does not seat itself on the floor on its own, place a blanket or a block under it. Bring your left knee forward. The backward-stretching right leg should be in a neutral position. Exhale and bring your right arm back and your left arm forward. Inhale and lean forward towards the midline. Continue to twist for 5 full breaths.

Stimulate bowel with a jog/walk routine:

men doing running  exercise

Begin with a 5-minute stroll to warm up. Then jog slowly for 3 minutes, then slow down and take a 2-minute brisk walk to recuperate. Then repeat the jog-brisk walk cycle, making sure to rest for a few minutes following the brisk walk part. Repeat the cycle four times. Finish with a cool-down.

Calm your nerves & retrain the vagus

a men and women singing together

Try focusing on the vagus nerve if you’ve tried everything else and it hasn’t helped. Once you are in the toilet, sing along. Sing loudly while exercising, gardening, cooking, or doing any other task; practice meditation or chanting; or go to a kirtan. Observe the “poo-phobia” which occurs when the vagus nerve, which connects your brainstem to your colon, is stimulated by your bowel movement.

Consult your doctor to rule out any other diseases if, despite changing all of your habits, you continue to experience constipation.

FAQ: Understanding Your Poop – Tips for Healthy Bowel Movements

Why is it important to examine your poop?

Examining your poop can provide valuable insights into your habits and overall health. By observing the different consistencies, shapes, and smells of your poop, you can gain information about your diet, hydration levels, and digestive health. It can also help identify potential issues such as constipation or digestive disorders.

Key information:

  • Examining your poop can provide insights into your habits and health.
  • It can help identify issues like constipation or digestive disorders.

What do the different consistencies of poop indicate?

The consistency of your poop can tell you a lot about your digestive health. Here are some indicators:

  • Small cracks, sausage-shaped, or smooth and soft like a snake: Indicates healthy eating habits.
  • Hard, pellet-like poop: Suggests severe constipation or inadequate hydration.
  • Hard and lumpy poop: This signifies slow bowel movement and potential dehydration.

Key information:

  • Small cracks or smooth, soft consistency indicates healthy eating habits.
  • Hard, pellet-like, or lumpy poop suggests constipation and dehydration.

What are some tips to alleviate constipation?

To relieve constipation and promote regular bowel movements, consider the following tips:

  • Include high-fiber foods in your diet, such as sourdough pumpernickel rye bread, fermented hulled barley porridge, and bulgur cereal.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking water and consuming magnesium sulfate-rich natural mineral waters.
  • Incorporate fiber-rich foods like black beans and lentils into your meals.
  • Engage in regular exercise to promote bowel movement and overall digestive health.
  • Practice relaxation techniques and pelvic floor exercises to create a conducive environment for smooth bowel movements.

Key information:

  • Include high-fiber foods and stay hydrated to alleviate constipation.
  • Incorporate fiber-rich foods and engage in regular exercise.
  • Practice relaxation techniques and pelvic floor exercises.

Are there any precautions or considerations to keep in mind?

While these tips can be helpful for many individuals, it’s important to consider the following:

  • Consult with your doctor if you continue to experience constipation despite making lifestyle changes.
  • Be mindful of any allergies or sensitivities you may have to specific foods, such as gluten in Bulgur.
  • Listen to your body and stop any exercises or stretches if you experience pain or discomfort.
  • Each person’s digestive system is unique, so it’s important to find what works best for you.

Key information:

  • Consult with a doctor if constipation persists.
  • Be aware of any food allergies or sensitivities.
  • Listen to your body and adapt the tips to your individual needs.


Understanding your poop and implementing healthy habits can contribute to better digestive health and alleviate constipation. By examining the consistency of your poop, incorporating high-fiber foods, staying hydrated, engaging in regular exercise, and practicing relaxation techniques, you can promote regular bowel movements and maintain a healthy digestive system. However, if constipation persists or if you have any concerns, it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice and guidance.

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